Saturday, April 4, 2009

"They want our way of life." They can have mine anytime they like because God knows, I know, I ain't living right..


I promise to post something happier eventually 


I've increasingly become concerned about the economy, the future, the environment, how our way of life is unsustainable and how my generation will not have a better quality of life than our parents, where my food comes from and generally all of the social/political/ecological problems that we face. 


I haven't been able to do much in the past two days because I've come down with a nasty cold and the extent of my activity is walking to the fridge to grab water or juice or lying in bed watching netflix movies or falling asleep to documentaries on corn and food production, and abortion and the fundamentalist christian movement (because I don't really like fiction).


So I've become increasingly paranoid and anxious about the state of things. 


I decided to check (which has also fueled my increasing anxiety) and found out that North Korea launched their rocket which may or may not have a missile or warhead attached. Either way, it's really scary and I'm frightened at the possible outcome of this.


To make matters worse, there was an ad before the video for "clean coal" which really isn't a whole lot better than regular coal and isn't a viable option to replace regular coal or oil. 


Maybe, I just need to go back to sleep.. 

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